Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Google Soon To Introduce A Competitor For Siri?

Siri is probably the best assistant anyone has, and only God can foresee how many proposals it would get. Jokes aside, it seems like only yesterday that we saw Tim Cooks introduce us to this lovely feature. Since then it has become almost a fashion quote to be talking to your phone. However, since then we have
discovered about a million other voice assistants, none more than the fancy S-voice in the Galaxy S III. Yet Siri has been the undisputed king so far.

However, according to The Wallstreet Journal, Google are working on its own Voice assistant. there is no reported release date or what exactly is this assistant but we do feel that it could be announced as early as the Google I/O in the coming week. However, for S-Voice we know that Samsung had a tie up with Vlingo, but this planned assistant may well work on just about every phone and may have its servers with Google only. This indeed maybe much better than having to download various third party applications such as Vlingo, Iris or Voice Commands which either are ad supported or just not that good. However, there are also suggestions that theis voice assistant maybe only available for those who will be running the next Android OS expected to be named as JellyBean.

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