Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What is PC Virus? Computer Virus for Dummies

A computer virus is most commonly a script of lines of code which when inside a laptop or computer it attempts to run itself. These Viruses act very similarly like a program which replicates itself in addition to
spreading collectively from one computer to another. The term “virus” is frequently misused to describe the number of problems you may encounter on your computer. Nevertheless it accurately describes only one thing… that there’s something funny going on! Viruses can be split up into several categories; ones that completely take over the operations of your computer, and the kind that only affect you when you go online. Both however can be equally frustrating!

Spyware and adware includes some of the most common computer viruses. Many viruses these days employ a combination of attacks on your computer. Most of the common viruses act much like you see in the movies, with error boxes appearing once attempting to open any file or folder. And then sometimes it goes ahead and hides all your folders and files making it seem as if your entire computer was completely wiped out! One of the trickiest things it does however is pose as if it was an antivirus system! The Program would automatically boot once you start the computer, and once you tell it to fix the problems that it detects your directed to a webpage for it to receive your credit card information!

Many people feel as if they are getting a bargain when they buy an Apple computer, because the number one thing that comes to mind when purchasing an Apple computer and that is the thought that you are never going to deal with viruses again. And you could never have been more wrong about anything in your life! Many Apple computers do get viruses or some type of Malware which affects the way the computer is going to perform. The single hardest thing however of removing a virus from an Apple computer is the lack of supp Orting software made by companies and regular programmers. Windows has been out for so long, with all the versions of Windows sharing mostly the same source code, that there are many programs readily available to fix the majority of their computer problems. And since Apple’s Mac Operating System is best known for being a closed and controlled platform, there haven’t been many attempts by innovative programmers and developers to push out proper security solutions for the Mac OS.

Even though you are much more at risk of getting a virus on a PC, one needs to understand that there’s a lot out there to help you out, and what’s fantastic about Windows is that chances are if you’re having a problem, a quick Google search would sort that out for you.

What if you don’t want Windows and you really want an Apple Computer? Get Ubuntu Instead! http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu is where to go to get it, and all you need is a blank DVD and a burning DVD Drive. Ubuntu is super easy to setup and use, and since its an alternative Operating System to the much more popular Windows and Mac, you’ll find yourself NEVER having to deal with any viruses or any other malware again! What’s fantastic about it as well, it comes preinstalled with OpenOffice, and an easy to use tool to search and install a myriad of applications and games.

Hopefully I’ve provided some useful information for you, especially if you’re super scared of the possibility or threats that virus’s pose. Keep an open mind when it comes to Virus’s, because they aren’t as prevalent as you think! Get a reliable antivirus like Microsoft Security Essentials, and you should be good to go!

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